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Can I Drink Alcohol if I Have PSC?

Can I drink alcohol if I have PSC?

There is conflicting and confusing advice about alcohol consumption.  You will be given alcohol advice by your consultant and this will vary depending on the severity of your disease and your general state of health.

At our 2009 Birmingham PSC Support Information Day, Professor David Adams said that he was relaxed about people with early stage liver disease drinking modest amounts of alcohol, other than those with alcohol-related liver disease.  He noted that everyone should stick well within the government guidelines and if their liver disease is advanced they should stop alcohol completely.

'Because you’ve got a liver disease you’re more at risk from aggravating that liver injury if you drink alcohol excessively. If you’ve got end stage liver disease you should have no alcohol at all. But if you’ve got compensated disease and your liver is otherwise functioning OK then moderate social drinking is fine. No binge drinking – probably limit yourself to one or two small drinks a day.'

Professor Adams

Similarly, Dr Roger Chapman said at our 2011 Oxford PSC Support Information Day:

'It depends on how severe the liver disease is...Keep 2-3 days a week free from alcohol and don’t exceed the recommended maximum units a week (not all at the same time), but anyone with advanced liver disease should avoid alcohol completely.'

Dr Chapman

Do I need a special diet for PSC?

There is no such thing as a ‘PSC diet’. It is important for everyone to eat well, regardless of the degree of liver disease.