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Early Detection of Bile Duct Cancer and rPSC

PSC Support is delighted to announce that we are funding important research to identify patients at risk of developing bile duct cancer and recurrent PSC after liver transplantation.

The research could allow for early diagnosis of these complications, which will directly and positively impact patient wellbeing and quality of life.

Living with the uncertainty of having a cancer that is difficult to detect, or having the recurrence of PSC after an individual has gone through liver transplantation confers a great emotional burden for PSC patients, and this study will try to address that.

We have awarded £45,000 to Dr Jesús Bañales from the Biodonostia Health Research Institute in Spain. Dr Bañales is a world renowned and highly respected chlangiocarcinoma researcher.

All our funds come from people who have donated money to PSC Support through fundraising activities and direct donations. We could not fund research without those donations. Thank you.