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Tests And Procedures For PSC

Tests and Procedures in PSC

Tests and procedures are an important aspect of PSC care, but it's not easy to know what the tests mean and why they are helpful for managing our condition.

You should also refer to the PSC Guidelines, which tell you which tests you are supposed to have and how often.

Dr Palak Trivedi, from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham discusses  some of the different tests available at our PSC Information Day in June.


This video includes:

  • What tests do we routinely do and why?
  • Liver blood tests
    • ALT, AST, ALP, gGT, Bilirubin, albumin, INR, full blood count, ELF test, immunoglobulins
  • Imaging
    • liver ultrasound, FibroScan, MRI scan
  • Invasive tests
    • endoscopy, ERCP, colonoscopy, liver biopsy
  • Blood tests when you have acute cholangitis (bacterial cholangitis)?